May 31st 2010. This is a very important day. A day to get outside, spend time with your family and to remember the people that have made an impact in your life. Today is the official Quit Facebook Day.
Monthly Archives: May 2010
In Part one of Mac vs. PC Inflecto Vita Style, we discussed hardware issues and what Apple seems to be doing right. Part two is going to have the same feel but we are going to be talking about software related topics as opposed to hardware.
Creationism vs. Evolution. Pro-life vs. Pro-choice. Mac vs. PC. Some questions will live on forever without ever finding a clear, concise and factual answer. The good thing is that I’m not trying to answer any of these questions for you, I am just going to be giving you my perspective […]
I just saw an article come onto my Twitter feed from @Mashable. It was an article about who has the most followers and who will have the most in the coming days. It’s here if you want to take a look at it. But that’s not what I wanted to […]
One thing that I am very picky about when it comes to computers it my mouse and keyboard. The logic is there though. When you are using your computer you are manipulating the mouse and keyboard to make everything else happen. In some cases, like mine, where I use a […]
I really want to apologize to the people that may actually read this blog here for not posting in a while but you have to understand, it’s finals week in school and I’ve been moving into my new apartment. It’s been a super busy time here for the last week […]