The other day I was playing around with VirtualBox. I had downloaded an image for a router OS called pfSense. This is what we use at work and I wanted to do a little playing and experimenting to see what I could do with it. That’s all great but it […]
Monthly Archives: October 2011
No one can be an expert in all things but having a basic knowledge can really help a person out. Can you do your own taxes, change the oil in your car or build your own computer? Being able to understand the basics can save a person time and money […]
I’ve learned a couple of tricks in the last couple days that I can’t believe I didn’t know. I was always happy with Apple’s screencapping key combination. A quick Command+Shift+3 and you’ve got yourself a screenshot. I have never been happy with Windows’ alternatives until now. I thought I would […]
At work I was tasked with migrating an SVN server from one failing server to another, livelier one. I’ll be honest, I didn’t know what an SVN was before I started this project. But I did a little reading and was off to a good start before long. I found […]
I must be the best and absolute worst boyfriend in the whole world. It was Katie’s and my two year anniversary on Friday. No, I didn’t forget about it. Let me explain. I ended up going down to Vermillion for the weekend because the weekend also happened to be DDays, […]
So I tried writing last night after I had heard about the passing of Mr. Steve Jobs, but I couldn’t bring myself to it. I didn’t know what to say. Honestly, I still don’t know what to say. I’m just sad and really confused. I’m not sure why I’m sad […]
I found a couple of IT jokes on the Spiceworks Community. They were to funny so I had to post them on here. You can find the original post here. I would suggest checking it out because there were a couple funny comments coming in already while I was reading […]
Pre-order October 7th and receive your new iPhone 4S on October 14th. Wow, that was quick. It seems like just yesterday the original iPhone 4 was released. But that was a whole CEO ago now. Aren’t you glad you bought a Verizon iPhone 4 in February now? Aren’t you glad […]
I have started to fail myself already. Just over a month ago, Katie and I decided to start blogging together. We made the deal that we would write something every single day. It’s harder than it sounds and I’ve started to fail. I’ve skipped a few days. But it’s ok, […]