At work I was tasked with migrating an SVN server from one failing server to another, livelier one. I’ll be honest, I didn’t know what an SVN was before I started this project. But I did a little reading and was off to a good start before long. I found […]
Yearly Archives: 2011
I must be the best and absolute worst boyfriend in the whole world. It was Katie’s and my two year anniversary on Friday. No, I didn’t forget about it. Let me explain. I ended up going down to Vermillion for the weekend because the weekend also happened to be DDays, […]
So I tried writing last night after I had heard about the passing of Mr. Steve Jobs, but I couldn’t bring myself to it. I didn’t know what to say. Honestly, I still don’t know what to say. I’m just sad and really confused. I’m not sure why I’m sad […]
I found a couple of IT jokes on the Spiceworks Community. They were to funny so I had to post them on here. You can find the original post here. I would suggest checking it out because there were a couple funny comments coming in already while I was reading […]
Pre-order October 7th and receive your new iPhone 4S on October 14th. Wow, that was quick. It seems like just yesterday the original iPhone 4 was released. But that was a whole CEO ago now. Aren’t you glad you bought a Verizon iPhone 4 in February now? Aren’t you glad […]
I have started to fail myself already. Just over a month ago, Katie and I decided to start blogging together. We made the deal that we would write something every single day. It’s harder than it sounds and I’ve started to fail. I’ve skipped a few days. But it’s ok, […]
200 hundred miles is a long way. Especially on a motorcycle. Or at least it was for me today. I rode my hog from Sioux Falls up to Madison, then down to Mitchell and finally back to Sioux Falls. I’m not going to be talking about the extra little trip […]
My girlfriend is amazing. She is fun, sweet, pretty and amazing. This post is dedicated to her because I really love her (and she keeps ‘suggesting’ I write a post about how amazing she is.) Also, the picture is related. The beautiful female is her and the dashing, young man […]
One thing that is hard for everyone is documentation. It’s hard to keep CDs, manuals and product keys after you use them. One day you are going to want those types of things and it is always best to have them on hand instead of having to try to recover […]
Firstly, I would like to state. I hate winter. Luckily we only have 176 days until Spring! Don’t let me get side tracked though. I just wanted to start by saying that I hate winter so nobody gets confused with the next thing I’m about to say. Winter has one […]
Sorry future Devon and anyone else who may be reading this blog. I didn’t have any ground-breaking epiphanies today. Nothing Earth-shattering, mind-bending or cranium-exploding. Yup, that last one was a little bit of a stretch. But that was my day. Since nothing hit me today as a great topic to […]
I was not happy when I walked outside this morning. It’s September 23rd, and my car is covered with frost. I’ve written a few times about how much I dislike the cold so I’m sure you can find them if you look hard enough. The thought of snow just makes […]