Movember is in full swing and it’s off to an itchy start! We are seven days in so I figured I would give a little update. As you can see (or can’t see) from the picture, my face isn’t very good at growing hair. I think it also has something […]
I must be the best and absolute worst boyfriend in the whole world. It was Katie’s and my two year anniversary on Friday. No, I didn’t forget about it. Let me explain. I ended up going down to Vermillion for the weekend because the weekend also happened to be DDays, […]
So I tried writing last night after I had heard about the passing of Mr. Steve Jobs, but I couldn’t bring myself to it. I didn’t know what to say. Honestly, I still don’t know what to say. I’m just sad and really confused. I’m not sure why I’m sad […]
I found a couple of IT jokes on the Spiceworks Community. They were to funny so I had to post them on here. You can find the original post here. I would suggest checking it out because there were a couple funny comments coming in already while I was reading […]
I have started to fail myself already. Just over a month ago, Katie and I decided to start blogging together. We made the deal that we would write something every single day. It’s harder than it sounds and I’ve started to fail. I’ve skipped a few days. But it’s ok, […]
200 hundred miles is a long way. Especially on a motorcycle. Or at least it was for me today. I rode my hog from Sioux Falls up to Madison, then down to Mitchell and finally back to Sioux Falls. I’m not going to be talking about the extra little trip […]
My girlfriend is amazing. She is fun, sweet, pretty and amazing. This post is dedicated to her because I really love her (and she keeps ‘suggesting’ I write a post about how amazing she is.) Also, the picture is related. The beautiful female is her and the dashing, young man […]
Firstly, I would like to state. I hate winter. Luckily we only have 176 days until Spring! Don’t let me get side tracked though. I just wanted to start by saying that I hate winter so nobody gets confused with the next thing I’m about to say. Winter has one […]
Sorry future Devon and anyone else who may be reading this blog. I didn’t have any ground-breaking epiphanies today. Nothing Earth-shattering, mind-bending or cranium-exploding. Yup, that last one was a little bit of a stretch. But that was my day. Since nothing hit me today as a great topic to […]
I was not happy when I walked outside this morning. It’s September 23rd, and my car is covered with frost. I’ve written a few times about how much I dislike the cold so I’m sure you can find them if you look hard enough. The thought of snow just makes […]
I’m going to tell you like it is. I like things that are different. I don’t care for things that everyone else has, trends that are mainstream or stuff that is popular. I hope that doesn’t make me a hipster…. I thought about this today when I drove through the […]
I believe that networking is one of the most important things a person can do for themselves professionally. Being proactive, meeting people and creating opportunities for myself were the key items that ultimately got me a job.It seems like so many people in the Midwest here still don’t use Twitter […]