I’ve had a few people ask me what drone I have, what kinds of things go a long with it, and how much it all costs. So I decided to put together a quick post that lists everything I’ve got and that I use on a regular basis. These are […]
This past weekend, Blair and I decided to take a little road trip and visit a new brewery! Something we are working on that we hope might become regular in the future. We made our way over to Topeka, KS where we visited Happy Basset Brewing Company. Other than having […]
***CAUTION: LIFE PRO TIP AHEAD*** I’ve had an Audible account on and off for the last couple years. Reactivating it whenever I get into the book listening mood. A couple weeks ago I canceled my subscription again. This time not because I was done listening to books but because I […]
The DJI Spark was released a couple months ago now which means there has been plenty of time for people to play with it, figure out what you need or not, and release a ton of accessories. I’ve been doing a lot of a flying with mine, I even convinced […]