Trying to make money online? I know for a fact that there are a lot of people that are looking for something easy like that. How do I know that? I am in the same boat. I would love something easy to do, that doesn’t take much time but can […]
Devon Schreiner
Microsoft officially announced it’s “Project Pink” today, probably not to the OoOo’s and AhhHhh’s they were hoping for. Granted, I still think it’s at least worth taking a look at. Just because it doesn’t say “Apple” or have the nice little bitten off fruit on the back of it doesn’t […]
The best way to keep your data safe is to prevent bad things from happening. Keep your computer up-to-date and don’t let it get infected with anything. Even if you know all of this and do everything you can to prevent bad things from happening, it’s bound to happen sooner […]
Even though email is getting on in it’s years, everyone still uses it. Email is still many years from it’s demise. In my opinion, Gmail is the best way to send and receive your email today. Gmail has some of the best storage, features and spam filters out there. Many […]
More and more people are switching to smart phones everyday. The iPhone, BlackBerry and Droid are all taking over the world. Chances are, if you are reading a tech blog, you probably have one too. I currently have a Droid so I will probably be giving tips about them every […]
When using a computer, one of the most important types of security a user can feel is that of their files are safe. The best way to know that files are truly safe is to have a backup of them. With USB and external drives becoming so cheap these days, […]
As a follow up to the post about my weird Phone Fetish, I though I would let everyone know that I did finally get my dad’s Motorola Droid. My Eris is currently up on eBay with, as of right now, about a day left on it. After getting used to […]
So everyone with an iPod or an iPhone has noticed the recent lack of nudity in the app store. Or at least the male population with an iPod or iPhone. Sadly, I don’t own either of these devices anymore so I still get my naked fix the old fashioned way……I […]
I have been looking around the internet (like always), but today’s stumblings were focused in a different direction. I have been looking for a while for a way to make my blog here a little bit more interesting and maybe get a couple followers. (besides Katie of course.) One of […]
I have been a college student now for almost two years now and I have tried just about everything besides selling my body to try to make a little extra money. I have made websites for people, I’ve tried Google Adsense, and I’ve even made my own Cafe Press Shop. […]
___________________________________________________________ Alright, so here’s the deal. I kind of like technology, gadgets, computers, games, that sort of thing. Yup, get it out. I’m a geek. Thank you very much. Ok, now that we’ve got that out of the way I wanted to go a little bit more in depth about […]
Today I got to take a wonderful trip down to Mitchell to work on some computers. It was a short trip, I left a little bit after 10 am and got back shortly after 3pm. While I was in Mitchell, I worked on the computers for Steve’s Repair and Shag, […]