Alright, here is the heavily anticipated part II of my favorite apps of Android devices, specifically in part II, rooted devices. These apps will only work on devices that have been rooted. There are a lot of very good tutorials to help you root your device, Droid Life has an […]
With all this excitement over my new Nook and of course I have been using my Droid for a long time now it’s clear to at least me that I love my Android devices. I thought after this long with playing with all these toys I would write something quick […]
Sometimes I think about the past, what things were like, how they used to be. You know what I’ve found? It scares me! It is scary thinking that only six months ago I didn’t have my Droid. That two years ago I didn’t have a smart phone period. Four years […]
Image via Wikipedia This morning I woke up and was pleasantly surprised when my phone asked me if I wanted to update it. Finally, my Motorola Droid is running Android OS 2.2 or, Froyo. I was so excited I could barely wait until after I got out of the shower […]
Well, I finally decided to take the jump and download the WordPress app for my Droid. I wanted to see what it is like and if it is even worth having. So far, I think I actually like it.
I really want to apologize to the people that may actually read this blog here for not posting in a while but you have to understand, it’s finals week in school and I’ve been moving into my new apartment. It’s been a super busy time here for the last week […]
As a follow up to the post about my weird Phone Fetish, I though I would let everyone know that I did finally get my dad’s Motorola Droid. My Eris is currently up on eBay with, as of right now, about a day left on it. After getting used to […]
___________________________________________________________ Alright, so here’s the deal. I kind of like technology, gadgets, computers, games, that sort of thing. Yup, get it out. I’m a geek. Thank you very much. Ok, now that we’ve got that out of the way I wanted to go a little bit more in depth about […]