When using a computer, one of the most important types of security a user can feel is that of their files are safe. The best way to know that files are truly safe is to have a backup of them. With USB and external drives becoming so cheap these days, […]
As a follow up to the post about my weird Phone Fetish, I though I would let everyone know that I did finally get my dad’s Motorola Droid. My Eris is currently up on eBay with, as of right now, about a day left on it. After getting used to […]
I have been looking around the internet (like always), but today’s stumblings were focused in a different direction. I have been looking for a while for a way to make my blog here a little bit more interesting and maybe get a couple followers. (besides Katie of course.) One of […]
I have been a college student now for almost two years now and I have tried just about everything besides selling my body to try to make a little extra money. I have made websites for people, I’ve tried Google Adsense, and I’ve even made my own Cafe Press Shop. […]