As you can tell, I haven’t blogged in a while. It’s because I’ve been super busy, I’ve been trying to hold down two jobs along with my summer studies. Blogging takes time and I know that and I want to make my posts quality and so far I just haven’t […]
A Tweetup can be put together for many different reasons, most of the time to just get together with, communicate and connect with like minded people from Twitter. As you may know, I tried putting together a Tweetup in my current city, Madison, SD. It was held on June 22nd […]
As you’ve noticed from previous posts I’ve made and you will see in posts that I will be making in the future, I absolutely love social media. Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, not so much MySpace….. LinkedIn, Forums, FourSquare, I just love them. They are a revolution in the way we communicate […]
Tweetup – A real-life meeting organized on the social networking site Twitter. Thanks again Wikipedia. A Tweetup is when a bunch of people that have been talking to each other on Twitter want to meet in real life and talk in person. This is what Twitter is about. It’s about […]
I just saw an article come onto my Twitter feed from @Mashable. It was an article about who has the most followers and who will have the most in the coming days. It’s here if you want to take a look at it. But that’s not what I wanted to […]
I really want to apologize to the people that may actually read this blog here for not posting in a while but you have to understand, it’s finals week in school and I’ve been moving into my new apartment. It’s been a super busy time here for the last week […]
I was reading though a couple blogs this afternoon and found something a little bit odd. You’re probably asking yourself, “How many posts is he going to start out like that?” chances are, a lot more. I like to read blogs and sometimes I find things like this that I […]
There are thousands and thousands of different utilities for Twitter out on the internet that do many different things. Some automatically follow other users, some automatically unfollow them. Some automatically send direct messages, some schedule tweets to be made at later times. Some cost money some are free, some are […]